Believe it or not, teppanyaki is not that common in Japan. Or so I read somewhere.
To-die-for teppanyaki. There is an outlet in Shinjuku besides Ginza and Roppongi. Your wallet will hurt but you will wax lyrical about the sublime experience. Course menus for dinner are upwards of ¥10,000 (S$126) per person (min 2). Kobe beef costs double that amount. Lunch specials from ¥2,000 though. A la carte also available.Bamboo Grassy
I have seen this stylish joint recommended by bloggers as well as the Metropolis Tokyo. Fortunately prices seem a whole lot more easier than Seryna. The foie gras, shiitake mushroom and wagyu beef combination sounds heavenly (only ¥4,300)!
B1F Pia House Ebisu, 3-9-29 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-5739-0527. Open daily 5pm-1am. Nearest stn: Ebisu (Garden Place exit). Menu in Japanese and English.
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